My reading so far in 2024

Since 2020, I have had the goal of reading 50 books per year. I managed that for all of the years besides 2022. Note: I have a reading log since 2020

So far in 2024, I have finished 35 books. Book 35 was “Neuromancer” by William Gibson.

So, I am in good shape for reaching my 50 books goal for 2024. I might adjust the goal to 75 or 100 books later, but for now I just continue my reading.

Last week, I got a new ereader for my ebooks, the Kobo Libra Colour. It is a huge upgrade from my old PocketBook Touch Lux 4, which I have had since 2020, especially with the speed for my annotations and highlighting in the books.

I am excited about the future of my reading in 2024!

A blog about my reading

Hello! My name is Ray, and I like to read. I also like to write about what I read, and instead of going nuts on some social medium which has limitations on text length and other things, I decided to simply start a new blog specifically for writing about my reading.

This is hardly my first blog; I started blogging on LiveJournal in 2000 and have had different platforms and websites since. But this is a new blog, started today May 20th 2024, and the blog is here as an outlot for my writing about what I am reading.

The blog will not be fancy, and my goal is not to have a lot of readers. But I will simply enjoy the process of writing about what I read; in order to share sometimes with my closest friends, so that they may read.

This WordPress installation has comments disabled, and I will aim to keep this as simple and neat as possible. No bells and whistles here, just me writing about my reading.
